Mission Patch

One of the first things a crew does at the beginning of a mission is design a mission patch. This team-building activity serves as a method of getting to know one another. Each person on the crew is identified and the purpose of the mission is incorporated into the group design.

Mission Description

Click each of the four mission patch buttons to read about the patch and what each element (shape, colors, pictures, text, and names) mean.

After reviewing these existing mission patches, design your own mission patch for this year’s mission that depicts the special properties of your crew. Be sure to think about the following:


Name of Mission

Mars GREAT Mission


Experiments Scheduled

What life support system will you design?


Mission Objective

Read the Mars GREAT Mission description provided above.


Flags or Colors

What flags or colors represent the crew?


Names of Crew Members



Shape and Size

Decide the shape and size for your mission patch.

You can design your mission patch on paper or on the computer.

Draw or paste a picture of your mission patch design in your Mission Journal and include a description of your design.

Collaborate with your Habitat Crew to come up with a final Crew Mission Patch.

Each task you complete contributes to the success of the mission!