Mars Facts

You’re heading on a mission to Mars. To make decisions as you prepare for the mission you’ll need to know something about the planet you’re going to. Complete each Mars Investigation to learn more about the planet you will be colonizing. Record the information you find in your Mission Journal.

Mars Investigation Resources

Links to websites you can use to gather facts about Mars.

Mars Facts Quick Access Panel

Click on a task component below to go directly to that task component.

Mars Fact Riddle

After you have learned some facts about Mars, you can apply what you know.  Decide what Mars facts will impact the design of your habitat crew’s life support system. Then create a Mars Fact Riddle that is related to one of the four Mars Facts you identified for your life support system.

Here is an example of a Mars fact riddle:

Plants love me and I also make up most of Mars’ atmosphere.
What am I?


A.     Silicon


B.     CO2


C.     Oxygen


D.     H2O

Create a multiple choice riddle for your life support system model. Don’t forget to include four possible multiple choice answers with your riddle.

Mars Investigation #1

What was the planet Mars named after?

Mars Investigation #2

What color do you see when you look at a picture of Earth?

What color do you see when you look at a picture of Mars? Why?

Mars Investigation #3

How far away (average distance) from the Sun is Earth?

How far away (average distance) from the Sun is Mars?

How big would the Sun look in the sky on Mars?

How big would the Earth look in the sky on Mars?

Mars Investigation #4

What is the gravity on Mars (what percent) compared to Earth?

What would a person who weighs 100 pounds on Earth weigh on Mars?

What would you weigh on Mars?

Mars Investigation #5

How long is a day on Earth (in Earth hours)?

How long is a day on Mars (in Earth hours)?

Would this affect the amount of time you sleep?

Mars Investigation #6

What is the axis tilt of Earth?

What is the axis tilt of Mars?

Would there be shadows at noon on Mars?

Mars Investigation #7

How many rovers have successfully moved around on Mars?

What are the names of those rovers?

Use NASA’s Mars Trek to find where these rovers are currently located on Mars.

Use NASA’s Mars Trek  to find where the rovers are currently located on Mars.

Mars Trek Rover Location Instructions

Mars Investigation #8

How long is a year (in Earth days) on Earth?

How long is a year (in Earth days) on Mars?

How old would you be in Mars’ years?

Mars Investigation #9

How long are each of the seasons on Mars?

How would you mark the months by Earth time?

Mars Investigation #10

What is the diameter of Mars’ equator?

What is the diameter of Earth’s equator?

Based on diameters, Mars’ size is what percentage of Earth’s size?

At 50 mph, how long would it take you to drive around Mars’ equator?

Mars Investigation #11

What is the temperature range on Mars?

How does this compare to the temperature range on Earth?

Could you wear the same clothes on Mars that you wear on Earth?

Mars Investigation #12

Is there liquid or frozen water on Mars?

What is the northern polar cap on Mars made of?

What is the southern polar cap on Mars made of?

Mars Investigation #13

What gases make up Mars’ atmosphere?

Which gas makes up the highest percentage?

Could you see long distances on Mars?

Could you breathe in Mars’ atmosphere?

Mars Investigation #14

What is the surface (atmospheric) pressure on Mars?

How does Mars’ surface pressure compare to Earth’s?

Where would you have to go on Earth to find the same atmospheric pressure as on Mars?

Mars Investigation #15

How high are the water ice clouds on Earth?

How high are the water ice clouds on Mars?

Would you expect it to rain Mars?

What is the weather like on Mars?

What protection from the weather would you need on Mars?

Mars Investigation #16

What is the tallest mountain on Earth? How tall is it?

What is the tallest mountain on Mars? How tall is it?

What is the tallest mountain on any planet in our solar system? How tall is it?

Mars Investigation #17

Compare the crust, mantle, core, and soil of Earth and Mars.

Why would Earth and Mars have a similar structure?

What difference might a liquid core make?

What difference do the organic particles in the soil make?

Mars Investigation #18

Is there life on Mars?

Mars Investigation #19

Does Mars have any moons?

If so, how many?

What are the names of any Mars’ moons?

How big are Mars’ moons?

Each task you complete contributes to the success of the mission!