Life Support System

So, you are going to build a colony on Mars! Have you thought about what you will need to live there?

You will have to apply your knowledge of both Earth and Mars to create solutions for living on Mars. Also, your solutions may help us solve environmental problems here on Earth.

You may have to do a little research about Mars before you are ready to begin.

We have identified eight important life support systems that are crucial to successful human settlement on Mars. They are:

Click on the button below each life support system symbol shown to find guidelines and details to help you design your life support system. 

For this task you must complete the following:


Identify the life support system that your habitat crew will design.


Research facts about Mars that affect your life support system. Why can’t we do the same thing on Mars that we do on Earth? What are we missing on Mars? Are there other things on Mars that we can use to make our system work?


Explore how the system requirements are met for us on Earth.


Design a life support system that can be used in your Mars colony. Decide how it will operate and what it will contain.


Build a model of a life support system design with your habitat crew.

Sketch a design of your life support system in your Mission Journal. You will also build a model with your habitat crew. Your model does not have to actually function.

Each task you complete contributes to the success of the mission!