Mars Colony Location

We’re going to Mars! One of our first tasks is to find out where we will be setting up our colony on Mars. Use the clues provided to figure out the colony’s latitude and longitude. Then use your answers and the topographical map to find the name of the location we’ll be colonizing.

Olympus Mons is the largest known volcano on any planet in the solar system. It has a diameter of 624 km (274 mi) making it slightly smaller than the state of Arizona (which is slightly smaller than New Mexico). Another major volcanic area on Mars is the Elysium volcanic province west of Olympus Mons.

Your colony will be located between these volcanic regions in an area that was created by lava from these mountains flowing over plains. It is only about 100 million years old, which makes it one of the younger geologic areas on Mars. It has very few layers of sediment on top making it one of the smoothest areas on Mars.

Scientists note that the terrain looks similar to Iceland on Earth and think that it could provide some interesting discoveries.

Now that you know something about the general area of Mars you will be colonizing, use the 3 clues provided below to find the name of your colony location.

Colony Location Clue #1:

The longitude of Olympus Mons is 226.2 degrees.  The longitude of your colony will be 29.1 degrees less than the location of Olympus Mons.

What is the longitude of the colony location?

Colony Location Clue #2:

The latitude of Olympus Mons is 18.7 degrees.  The latitude of your colony will be 7.1 degrees greater than the location of Olympus Mons.

What is the latitude of the colony location?

Colony Location Clue #3:

Decode the “word” written below using ASCII code to find out if the colony’s latitude is north or south:

78, 111, 114, 116, 104

Is the colony location north or south of the equator?

ASCII Code Table

Decoding ASCII Code

Watch this video to learn about decoding a message written with ASCII Code.

Colony Location

Use your answers from the clues above and the topographic Mars map below to identify the location of the colony.

Using Latitude and Longitude on a Map

Watch this video to learn how to use latitude and longitude to find your location.

Mars Colony Location Form

Complete this form to submit your answer for the location of the Mars Colony to Mission Control.

Each task you complete contributes to the success of the mission!