
Have you thought about what you might see and do on a months-long journey to Mars? It’s time for you to get creative and write a Saga that describes things that happen during your imaginary journey to Mars.

The tradition of passing information from generation to generation is accomplished in many ways. One method is through the use of a saga (ballad) which describes significant events using spoken verse or song.

Michael Martin Murphey, a northern New Mexico resident, is an example of a contemporary ballad singer, as is Marty Robbins.

Many cultures, such as Native Americans and Icelanders, have a tradition of passing their histories to future generations orally.

Collaborate with your Habitat Crew to write a Saga that:


Describes your adventures during the journey from Earth to Mars.


Includes lyrics written to provide entertainment to the travelers during their months-long journey.


May be sung or simply spoken, and may include some movement (choreography).


Can be set to music (melody can come from an existing song).


May adapt any musical style.


Is 1-3 minutes long when performed.


May be performed by part or all of your Habitat Crew.

Let’s look at Mars Saga ideas that others have imagined.

Creating Your Mars Saga 

Write your finished Saga in your Mission Journal.

If you want to make a video of your Saga being performed, you can send the video to Mission Control at:

Each task you complete contributes to the success of the mission!