STEM 101
Explore STEM concepts with us in a format that uses a combination of on-line instruction / resources and on-site activities. Students of all ages are welcome to join in, but the activities are best suited for 3rd through 8th graders.

Chemistry 101
Content Standards Addressed in this Edition
Blossom’s Brainiac Board
Blossom explores activities and adventures in chemistry.
Bruja’s Magical Storytime
Bruja introduces us to George Washington Carver and how chemistry is used in everyday life.
Spike’s Science Spot
Spike introduces us to the atoms and explores the chemistry of clay.
Pebbles’ Pantry Projects
Pebbles encourages us to observe phase changes and then shows us how to create a tasty mixture of either ice-cream or slushee.
Share the projects you create on social media and remember to tag us when you do!
Engineering 101
Content Standards Addressed in this Edition
Blossom’s Brainiac Board
Blossom explores activities and adventures in engineering including: designing a zip line, making an aluminum foil boat, and creating a tornado tube.
Bruja’s Magical Storytime
Bruja introduces us to Hedy Lamarr and engineering.
Spike’s Science Spot
Spike introduces us to making observations and shares how to safely reverse engineer cool objects around your house.
Introduction Video
Engineering 101 Video
Pebbles’ Pantry Projects
Pebbles encourages us to experiment with simple machines as she shows us how to make and experiment with a marshmallow catapult.
Share the projects you create on social media and remember to tag us when you do!
Physics 101
Content Standards Addressed in this Edition
Blossom’s Brainiac Board
Blossom explores activities and adventures in physics.
Bruja’s Magical Storytime
Bruja introduces us to Dr. Wanda Diaz-Merced and Newton’s Laws of Motion.
Spike’s Science Spot
Spike observes the role of friction and forces in our everyday lives.
Pebbles’ Pantry Projects
Pebbles encourages us to experiment with Newton’s Laws of Motion using a rocket powered by baking soda and vinegar.
Share the projects you create on social media and remember to tag us when you do!
Technology 101
Content Standards Addressed in this Edition
Blossom’s Brainiac Board
Blossom challenges you to explore technology applications with a week of activities and adventures.
Bruja’s Magical Storytime
Bruja introduces casts a new light on technology and introduces us to the “computers” behind ENIAC.
Spike’s Science Spot
Spike observes measurement and the role technology plays in helping us measure objects both near and far.
Technology 101 Video
Extension Activity
Pebbles’ Pantry Projects
Pebbles introduces us to changes in technology and explores how communication has changed over time.
Share the projects you create on social media and remember to tag us when you do!